anowit District Council (KDC) was first formed in the year 1949 and it's present office is situated at Jalan Kubu Kanowit near Fort Emma (built by Rajah Charles Brooke in 1859 during the reign of the White Rajahs in Sarawak )KDC performs its roles and responsibility as a local authority under section 6 & 7 of the State Council Election Ordinance (Cap. 7) Kanowit Town is located at river mouth of Kanowit River at the bank of Batang Rajang , the longest river in Malaysia approximately 174 kilometres from the coast of South China Sea. According to Year 2000 census, Kanowit has a population of 32,700 and covering a total area of 2253.5 sq. km.
The main ethnic groups found in Kanowit are Iban, Chinese, Malays, Bidayuhs, Melanau and others. At present, the main area of jurisdiction under KDC are namely Kanowit Town, Machan Bazaar, Nanga Dap Bazaar, Nanga Ngemah Bazaar, Ngungun Resettlement Scheme, Jagau Resettlement Scheme and Nanga Tada Resettlement Scheme. As a local authority, KDC is responsible for the development and prosperity of its jurisdiction area and KDC is committed in delivering quality services to all levels of community in-line with it's organization and national vision and policy. In the effort of improving and upgrading its services, KDC has formulated a 'Customer Survey Form' to invite and compile constructive comments, proposals, feedbacks etc from it's valued customers since April 2004. All Council's customers are hereby encouraged and invited to use the mentioned form wisely and effectively.

Kanowit District Council (KDC) was first formed in the year 1949 and it's present office is located at Jalan Kubu Kanowit near Ford Emma (Built by Rajah Charles Brooke in 1859 during the reign of the White Rajah's in Sarawak) KDC performs its roles and responsibility as a local authority under section 6 and 7 of the State Council Election Ordinance (Cap. 7). Kanowit town is located at confluence of Kanowit and Rajang river. Rajang river flows approximately 563 km to the South China Sea, making it the longest river in Malaysia. According to year 2000 census, Kanowit has a population of 32,700 and covering a total area of 2253.5 sg. Km.
The Main ethic groups found in Kanowit are Iban, Chinese, Malay, Bidayuh, Malanau and others. At present, the main area of jurisdiction under KDC are namely Kanowit Town, Machan Bazaar, Nanga Dap Bazaar, Nanga Ngemah Bazaar, Ngungun Resettlement Scheme, Jagau Resettlement Scheme and Nanga Tada Resettlement Scheme. As a local authority, KDC is responsible for the development and improvement of its jurisdiction area and KDC is committed in delivering quality services to all level of community in-line with it's organization and national vision and policy. In order to improving and upgrading its services, KDC has formulated a 'Customer Survey Form' to invite and compile constructive comments, proposal, feedbacks etc. from it's valued customers since April 2004. All Council's customers are encouraged to give feedback in order to provide better services.